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My Favorite Verses

Writer's picture: Jay LowderJay Lowder

GOD'S WORD is not only alive and active, but it is also as necessary for spiritual life as oxygen is to physical life. Having read the Bible for years, I’m amazed that I am still discovering new jewels from passages I have read numerous times before. The Bible has supernatural capabilities that no other book contains, because it is the only one that has life within its words. I can honestly say I study it, because it brings me greater satisfaction than most anything else I do and because it continues to help me know and understand the Christ that transformed me on one unforgettable April night. With this in mind, here are my 10 favorite verses.

1. 2 Corinthians 5:17: “If any man is in Christ he is a new creation. Old things are passed away and all things become new.”This is one of the first verses I ever memorized and became my life story wrapped up in one verse. The first birthday after meeting Jesus my mother had a cake made in the shape of a Bible with this verse inscribed on it.

2. Philippians 1:6: “Being confident of this very thing, that He which began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”This is actually the very first verse I committed to memory. I needed the reassurance, both then and now that God will protect and help me until I have finished what He has called me to do. I love the promise that He finishes what He starts!

3.Hebrews 13:5:“I will never leave nor forsake you.”What a guarantee!! Regardless of what life brings or the mistakes I make- Jesus will never abandon me. His commitment to me is permanent. He is in for the long haul: all the way to eternity.

4. 2 Timothy 1:7: “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.”What can man do to me? What should I fear? The answer is nothing! God wants to infuse me with power and His comforting love.

5. Isaiah 26:3:“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.”Don’t we all want peace in the midst of a troubled and hectic life? There was a time, I did not possess it and I have since discovered it is one of life’s greatest possessions. I like knowing the recipe to gain peace: which is simply to focus my mind on Him.

6. 1 Chronicles 28:20:“Be strong and of good courage and do it: do not fear nor be dismayed for the Lord God- my God- will be with you. He will not leave or forsake you until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord your God.”This just fires me up!! Nike shoes had a slogan years ago of “Just Do It”. They may have thought they were the originators of the idea, but long before they existed, God spoke through David that it was time to get it on.

7. Proverbs 29:18:“Where there is no vision the people perish.”I have always had “vision”, which is the ability to dream big. I need constant reminding that the opposite of this verse is also true. This means people will perish where there isn’t vision. I have a responsibility to believe God for what seems impossible.

8. Proverbs 11:30:“He that wins souls is wise.”I want wisdom! My life’s mission is to reach non-believers with the truth about Jesus. I get excited knowing that God says that people who reach the unsaved are doing the wise thing. “Winning” souls is impacting people with the Gospel and that is what I want to do, until my last breath.

9. Psalms 20:7:“Some trust in chariots and horses but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.”I need to be reminded that I cannot trust money, connections, people, resources or even myself, but I must trust completely in Christ. When all else fails, He remains!

10. Revelation 19:11:“And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True and in righteousness he judges and makes war.”I am always motivated when I picture in my mind this verse and the ones that follow it. It tells of a day when followers of Christ will gather behind Him for a battle. All of us will be on white horses, as we watch Jesus destroy the forces of evil. I can almost hear the neighing of His horse, see his mount raised on it's hind legs, and watch Jesus’ blood soaked robe, blowing in the wind. It is the best reminder that I am on the side of the King and nothing can conquer me. I also love the 2 names given to Jesus: Faithful and True. These names are excellent representations of the one who changed my life.

I challenge you to memorize these verses that serve as a promise, an anchor, or an encouragement. I have, and it has served me as one of the best motivators and encouragers that helps me press forward.


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