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Writer's pictureJay Lowder

Interceding for Kayley.....

May 14, 2024 - Over the years we have been blessed to have so many pray for our daughter Kayley Faith when she contracted the very rare and incurable disease known as “STILLS”. She spent 6 consecutive months in a hospital and was in and out of ICU on a regular basis.

This monstrous disease did damage to her heart, lungs etc. and required her to be placed on a dangerous level of steroids. We were notified in advance that the 240 milligrams she was taking “daily” could cause damage to her bones, but we were left with no other option because it was the only thing keeping her alive. As a result of this needed regiment of steroids, she has battled ongoing issues with her back and hips -alongside the continual complications that Stills often brings.

Thursday morning, she will undergo a 7-hour surgery in Dallas at Baylor Medical called “core decompression surgery”. The goal and purpose are to try and stimulate blood flow that has been inhibited from the steroids. This procedure requires several holes to be drilled in both hips and will hopefully stop her incessant pain. Following her release, she will be in a wheelchair for the next 3 months.

We do not post her health conditions on a regular basis as we know others are fighting their own wars. However, we would appreciate your prayers as she goes under the knife and begins a long road of recovery; and prayerfully a life that isn’t so often filled with pain. She has suffered so much and we long for God to bring healing!!



May 20, 2024 -S So many asking. I am lost. Daughter has been placed in ICU. I have no answers and nor does anyone else. She needs a miracle to escape this suffering.

May 21, 2024 - No breakthrough- still in ICU. Trying to get transferred to UT Southwestern since they specialize in rare diseases like STILLS.

Not much left in the tank………..

If I were God, I probably wouldn’t answer my prayers either, I’m very flawed but I’m just hoping that there’s somebody out there He will listen to and that He will make a move soon………


May 22, 2024 - Day 7 ICU-Still awaiting transfer. Don’t forget her…


May 23, 2024 - Day 8…..Hopefully a bed opens and we transfer today


May 24, 2024 - Day/ Night 9

Imagine, even though you’re in the hospital, thinking you’ve turned a corner, picking up dinner, watching your daughter smile and feeling hope.

Imagine the anticipation of believing in no more pain because your daughter is having a decent day and getting up hopes.

Imagine a cobra, great white shark or lion lurking in proximity that you could not see, sense, detect.

Imagine an unexpected assault of torture, horror and wickedness on your child that gives no reprieve for hours.

Imagine the assault being relentless and unimpeded by dilladid then morphine and even fentanyl.

Imagine hearing your child wail, moan and scream “ why aren’t you helping me god”????

Imagine you -nor doctors, nor the most respected spiritual leaders having a plausible answer that makes any sense or brings any hope.

Imagine your child shivering with pain, fingers contorted, body twisted, while covered in wet towels and ice packs.

Imagine your daughter continuously dry heaving; not because her stomach is sick - but rather because her nerves are chronically suffering.

Imagine begging and crying like a child for the most qualified doctors on earth to do more because nothing is helping.

Imagine your wife sobbing in the bathroom because she has seen that which might only be fitting in hell.

Imagine questioning everything you ever believed and spoke.

Imagine a disease so sinister, devilish and utterly evil that you are constantly looking over your shoulder like a fugitive wondering when it will pounce… seize.

Imagine not knowing if you can ever trust again….. or even want too.

Imagine questioning if you ever really knew someone you thought was your protector, provider and friend.

Imagine it’s not just words you are reading but a lifetime of darkness you traveled in a span of hours; a gaping wound, a crater of soul and spirit.



May 25, 2024 - WE GOT TRANSFERRED!! UT Southwestern (the hospital that took care of her for six months several years ago when she contracted STILLS) came and picked her up last night!


May 26, 2024 - App the prayers. Daughter making improvements.


May 27, 2024 - Day 12. Without faith it is impossible to please God Heb11:6


May 28, 2024 - Day 13. Day starting off good!


May 29, 2024 - Day 14…. Improving and hoping to get to go home before too long ( STILLS seems under control) and begin recovery from hip surgery.


May 30, 2024 - For those who are struggling with faith! Those whose world is flipped upside down!

Some- say. I have said, “Don’t let circumstances dictate your faith”! I have preached it; I am not good at living it. Yes, I can keep it in check when it’s the small things but when it’s the major things, like watching your child suffer, I find I don’t live what I preach.

Like today…

When K is doing better I feel hope and my frustration, disappointment with God is diluted. When the wheels fall off, like tonight, I somehow revert right back to ground zero.

If your in a valley, I want you to know your not alone! No, I don’t have answers, and the ones I do have bring little comfort to me and probably would to you as well.

I just want to assure you there are others wrestling with the same emotions, questions, discouragements and battles.

I’m hanging on to something Jesus once said. “Blessed are those who mourn”. I don’t understand it but I believe it.


May 31, 2024 - Day 15# 


June 2, 2024 - Day 17 in hospital. My hockey girl and the fulfillment of a dream to one day have a daughter! Rather be with her in the valley of a hospital than the highest mountaintop!

June 3, 2024 - Day 18 of hospital

June 4, 2024 - It’s 1 AM and I have watched my daughter scream, (beg God???????????) and cry in unimaginable pain for the last three hours. The amount of medication she is on to try and keep this suffering at bay is both astounding and sickening; yet none of it works on a consistent basis. Every time I think we’re turning a corner, the lion named STILLS pounces on us. We are now at day 19 and I am done posting ( our team will continue posting for ministry but not me personally) until we can regroup and maintain a progress that lasts longer than 24 hours and is duly consistent. I appreciate the many of you who have prayed and I hope you will continue to do so but there is really nothing new I can say. We are out of words and out of gas. We and tens of thousands have prayed, and yet we still have no solution. We are in a ditch we don’t know how to escape. If you have ever watched a child suffer, you understand.

June 5, 2024 - Day 19.....

June 6, 2024 - We ask all our friends and ministry partners to pray with us on behalf of Kayley and the entire Lowder family.

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Jun 06

Praying fervently for Kayley, and all of your family. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Jun 06

Praying for Kayley and your family


Jun 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

We continue to lift up your sweet girl Kayley Faith in prayer. We also know what it’s like to watch your child suffer and fight. We will not stop praying. (((hugs))) 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Albert & Anna


Jun 06

Praying for Kayley Faith. I can’t even imagine how hard this is for KFand her family. Praying for a miracle and for God to intervene in this matter. He is still God and we must trust him even in the suffering.

Love 🥰 in Christ


Jun 06

Jay, my heart aches for Kayley and your family! Continuing to pray that God will enable the doctors to find a solution for Kayley’s pain. ❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏

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