Creativity + Biblical truth
Updated: Feb 15, 2021
In my years of parenting, I have learned that it is essential to teach children spiritual Truths at home. Sure, they will learn things from Sunday School, VBS or even Christian schooling, but it is our responsibility as parents not to let the spiritual development of our children lie in the hands of others.
Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

I have tried to practice this with my own children. I believe it's important not only to model prayer and worship with them, but also to help them hide God's word in their hearts.
One way to do this is to paint a word picture and bring the Bible to life through unique activities.
For instance, I once climbed on the roof to teach the Biblical story of Jesus healing the paralytic who had been lowered by friends. I let my kids have a shaving cream fight simply to wash it off, so that I could explain how Christ's blood washes away our sins. Another time, I hid a $5 bill in a dark room of the house and had my kids try and find it. When they were unable to, I gave them a flashlight and explained that the Bible is a light unto our path, as it says in Psalm 119:105.
Whether you take a creative approach or not, there are numerous opportunities to teach your children about God, Jesus and the Bible. If you need specific ideas, check out these websites or talk to your children's minister or pastor at church:
Focus on the Family
National Center for Biblical Parenting
Thriving Family
LifeWay Parenting Resources
More than anything, don't forget that you are a huge factor in influencing your children, so be sure to take the time to teach them the most important lesson of all - developing a relationship with Jesus Christ.
If you have questions, thoughts or ideas, I would love to hear from you. Just leave a comment below.
-- Jay