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Jay Lowder
Nov 28, 2024
This Thanksgiving, there will be an empty chair at our table.
Dad eventually came to the place where he had no quality of life, and I secretly prayed for God to take him.

Jay Lowder
Oct 3, 2022
From Attempted Suicide to Saving Souls
Jay Lowder was seconds away from ending his life when an unexpected interruption, followed by a dramatic revelation of Jesus’ love for...

I am fascinated by a compelling true story.

There are many ways to communicate information, but I have found that some truths are most easily grasped in the context of a parable.

Aug 5, 2013
Her look, a combination of Palomino colored hair and glitzy aquamarine eyes made her stand out from others like a lighthouse. I didn’t...

Jul 17, 2013
Apache Pride
I always wanted to be one. Every single time my sugar-high buddies and I would play Cowboys and Indians, I chose to play the part of the...

Apr 19, 2013
Tragedy in Boston
In much of life there is no question more impossible to answer than “WHY?” The how, what and when will eventually be revealed but the...

Apr 2, 2013
“Home” is a word that should be soothing and grand, conjuring up memories of joy, happiness and peace. The word “home” is endearing to so...
Jun 6, 2012
A little over a week ago I paced into another arena, but my purpose this time was different. I wasn’t there to speak but to listen and...
May 3, 2012
The power of prayer
I believe in the power of prayer because I have seen God move in a mighty way because of the prayers of his people. I’ve seen men who...
Apr 18, 2012
Different country, same message
It is always amazing to me how the message of the Gospel combined with the Holy Spirit meet people right where they are in life. I...
Nov 8, 2011
True Beauty
Television today includes numerous reality shows revolving around wedding nuptials, which stress importance in physical appearance and...

Nov 2, 2011
Don't give up
"I will remember always that marriage, like life, is a journey - not a destination - and that its treasures are found not just at the end...

Oct 25, 2011
Stepping out of your comfort zone
I've learned that sometimes my plans aren't always God's plans. Through many years of ministry, He has shown me that He works in...
Oct 13, 2011
Questioning God
Sometimes life is hard. Matter of fact, sometimes life just stinks. The question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" is one that...

Sep 20, 2011
Facing fear
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. - Mark Twain Fear is something God has given us (2 Timothy 1:7) but...
Aug 25, 2011
Challenges, Blessings, and Faith Mission
It’s been about 4 weeks since my last update, but I hope you have kept me and the team in your prayers. We certainly need them, as this...
May 6, 2009
Arrested by Jesus
We got in from Lubbock at 1:30 am Monday morning! I sent out a video blog regarding my experiences at the schools on Friday and many of...
Feb 11, 2009
Crayon sermon / Fighting for friends
I want to start off by asking you to do me a favor!! I know very few of you know the man I am about to discuss-but his name is Rodney...
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