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Jay Lowder
Nov 28, 2024
This Thanksgiving, there will be an empty chair at our table.
Dad eventually came to the place where he had no quality of life, and I secretly prayed for God to take him.

Jay Lowder
Oct 3, 2022
From Attempted Suicide to Saving Souls
Jay Lowder was seconds away from ending his life when an unexpected interruption, followed by a dramatic revelation of Jesus’ love for...

I am fascinated by a compelling true story.

There are many ways to communicate information, but I have found that some truths are most easily grasped in the context of a parable.

May 2, 2012
The power of prayer
I believe in the power of prayer because I have seen God move in a mighty way because of the prayers of his people. I’ve seen men who...
Apr 17, 2012
Different country, same message
It is always amazing to me how the message of the Gospel combined with the Holy Spirit meet people right where they are in life. I...
Mar 19, 2012
Hope for the hopeless
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to take the message of Christ to a prison in Pensacola, Florida. I have spoken in numerous prisons...
Mar 2, 2012
This Lenten season
Last week many around the world began participating in the Lenten season. This is a time when individuals give up something to reflect on...
Feb 21, 2012
A colorblind God
This week the news has been abuzz with a new study, released from Pew Research Center, showing mixed marriages hit an all-time high with...
Feb 13, 2012
Praying for the best
It is that time again, when all media, activities and conversations seem to become political. I was thinking about this last night before...

Jan 24, 2012
Religion vs. Jesus. You tell me!
I watched a YouTube video this past week that was very powerful. It talked about the difference between false religion and a relationship...
Jan 19, 2012
New Year's Resolution (New Year, New Goals)
I know it’s already a few weeks after the New Year, but I thought the timing was perfect for this post. Some have already broken their...

Dec 30, 2011
Powerful reminder (Learning from the past)
2011…When I think about the year that is about to pass us by a lot of things come to mind. I think back of the headlines we have seen:...
Dec 21, 2011
Start a tradition
Christmas is a crazy time of year. If you are like me, it's easy to get swept into the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I usually wake...

Dec 16, 2011
The Perfect Gift
What’s in a gift? Does it represent the person giving it or the depth of his or her feelings toward the person to whom it is being given?...
Nov 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
As you remember God's goodness, during this special time of the year, I want you to know that the Harvest team and I are grateful for...
Nov 8, 2011
True Beauty
Television today includes numerous reality shows revolving around wedding nuptials, which stress importance in physical appearance and...

Nov 1, 2011
Don't give up
"I will remember always that marriage, like life, is a journey - not a destination - and that its treasures are found not just at the end...

Oct 24, 2011
Stepping out of your comfort zone
I've learned that sometimes my plans aren't always God's plans. Through many years of ministry, He has shown me that He works in...
Oct 19, 2011
Nothing new under the sun
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9 Last...

Oct 17, 2011
Creativity + Biblical truth
In my years of parenting, I have learned that it is essential to teach children spiritual Truths at home. Sure, they will learn things...
Oct 12, 2011
Questioning God
Sometimes life is hard. Matter of fact, sometimes life just stinks. The question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" is one that...
Oct 10, 2011
Step up and be a man
I recently read an article that discussed a new Hartford Seminary study. The study claimed that "American congregations have grown less...

Oct 5, 2011
How to survive parenting a teen
School has started, schedules have begun to get busy and you're dealing with a difficult teenager. You may sit there asking yourself,...
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