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Jay Lowder
Nov 28, 2024
This Thanksgiving, there will be an empty chair at our table.
Dad eventually came to the place where he had no quality of life, and I secretly prayed for God to take him.

Jay Lowder
Oct 3, 2022
From Attempted Suicide to Saving Souls
Jay Lowder was seconds away from ending his life when an unexpected interruption, followed by a dramatic revelation of Jesus’ love for...

I am fascinated by a compelling true story.

There are many ways to communicate information, but I have found that some truths are most easily grasped in the context of a parable.


Nov 13, 2018
Seven reasons churches need Evangelists - Outreach Magazine
I serve as a full-time evangelist, but many pastors I encounter tell me I am the first evangelist they have ever invited to preach.

Nov 12, 2018
7 Reasons churches need evangelists
Outreach Mag - Today, I serve as a full-time evangelist, but many pastors I encounter tell me I am the first evangelist they have ever...

Jun 7, 2018
Suicide, depression are our nation's Scarlet A -
Anyone is a candidate for suicide, even if you've never had history of mental illness.

Apr 3, 2018
5 Simple Tips For Sharing Your Faith - At the end of the day...the greatest thing you can do in this life is point someone else to Christ. You can’t make a...

Oct 6, 2017
Las Vegas Shooting: America, we've witnessed a new kind of protest - Ironically, I was in bed last Sunday night reading a book about the challenges of America, when my 18-year-old daughter...

Apr 15, 2017
Notorious Criminal Set Free
The Christian Post - One of the most powerful lessons many overlook each Easter is the account of a notorious outlaw, Barabbas. His story...

Mar 11, 2017
Parents, quit caring more about the White House than you do about your own house.
Fox News - The opinions of our nation’s new commander in chief are as varied as DNA. News of President Donald Trump’s every move can be...

Dec 17, 2016
Evangelist Creates 'The Darkest Hour' TV Series to Reach People With the Gospel
Christian Post - "the day we quit attempting to do something great for God is the day we need to quit ministry..." "The series is free...

Dec 13, 2016
Jay Lowder on Daystar
Jay joins Marcus and Joni to discuss "The Darkest Hour". See the episode here:

Aug 3, 2016
Trump, Clinton and praying for the best choice.
The Blaze - It is that time again, when all media, activities and conversations seem to become political... Jay's latest article weighs...

Jun 13, 2016
The Uproar over Brock Turner is long overdue
The Blaze - For years, we have sat idly, responding with apathy while media reports of rape have occasionally scrolled across our news...

Mar 23, 2016
The Judas in each of us
Religion World News - "While we refuse to admit the likeness, in some ways our reflection looks a lot like Judas. Not only are we guilty...
Feb 4, 2016
"Suicide Prevention" - Jack Miller Down to Business
Jay Lowder of Harvest Ministries talks about his own struggles, how he overcame them & now helps others. The numbers are jaw dropping, 22...

Feb 1, 2016
The Aftermath of Coping with Suicide
The Blaze - "Suicide has been in the news so often that many are inoculated from surprise… that is until their soul is the one which has...

Jan 6, 2016
5 Ways to soothe conflict in marriage - People are remembered for the problems they create or solve. While some issues are alleviated by a kind of righteous...

Dec 25, 2015
The hardest gift to give at Christmas
FoxNews - "Although it doesn’t come in a box covered by sleigh red wrapping, it is the greatest, most significant present a person could...

Dec 21, 2015
8 Proven Tips to Help You Avoid a Christmas Family Feud
The Blaze - "Whatever the reason, before you grab a turkey leg, warm up a mug of eggnog, or rip open presents, consider these proven ways...

Nov 11, 2015
Evangelism: The Neglected Gift
CharismaMag - "While many churches wait for the unsaved to come to church, the unsaved are waiting for the church to come to them." -...

Oct 21, 2015
Why this national evangelist stands with Khloe Kardashian
The Blaze - "I applaud, respect and stand with Khloe's decision." - Jay Lowder To me, the issue is not what Lamar doesn’t deserve but...

Sep 9, 2015
Six Suicide Signs
FoxNews - "I almost took my life. Do you know these six suicide signs?" - Jay Lowder No one ever thinks his or her child would consider...
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